M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering

Fee Structure


The M.Tech programme in Computer Science and Engineering imparts a breadth of advanced knowledge in various areas of computer science. The programme is designed such that a student can complete it based on advanced coursework with reasearch exposure. However, the students are given the elective options to study their subjects of interest.

This is a four semester regular degree programme with two semesters devoted to minor and major thesis research.The first semester of the M.Tech. programme is aimed at providing the necessary breadth in Computer Science and at integrating the students with the instructional philosophy. The subsequent semesters aim at providing avenues for specializing in one or more streams within computer science.

The objective of this discipline is to train the manpower required to meet the industry needs of the country, to pursue research in specialized areas, and to meet the growing needs of engineering colleges for trained faculty in Computer Science and Engineering. The programme includes courses covering the core of Computer Science and Engineering discipline and several electives in areas of Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, Theoretical Computer Science, Networks and Distributed Systems and Hardware Systems.

Admission Criteria

  • B.E./B.Tech. in Computer Science / Information Technology / Electronics / Electrical & equivalent Engineering courses.
  • Or

  • MCA or M.Sc. in Computer Science or equivalent.