Arif Ali Wani

  • Mr. Arif Ali Wani

    M.Tech. (MDU, Rohtak)
    Assistant Professor (Department of Computer Science and Engineering)





    Pursuing Ph.D



    M. Tech (Computer Science and Engineering)


    MDU, Rohtak

    B.E. (Information Technology)



    Professional Experience:

    He has worked continuously 07 years in various institutions. He has rich academic and administrative experience along with his teaching like Academic Program Coordinator, Sr. System and Network Administration etc.


    1. System and Network Administration.

    2. Computer Network.

    3. Network Security.

    4. C- Programming.

    5. Internet Fundamental.

    6. Software Engineering.

    7. Web Technology.

    8. Data Structure using C.

    9. Wireless Technology.

    10. E-Commerce.

    11. Operating System.

    Research Interests:

    Performance Evolution of Collaborative Intrusion Detection System.

    Professional Certification

    1. Successfully completed Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)

    EXAM ID: 640-802

    Order Number: 0002-9507-1173

    Cisco ID: CSCO11739472.

    SCORE: 958/1000

    2. Successfully completed Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP)

    EXAM ID: 642-902 (Implementing Cisco IP Routing).

    Order Number: 0007-3429-4743

    3. Successfully Qualified Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Online Certification:

    Certification No.: D777-7138

    Training Program

    1. Participated in “INUP Hand-on Training Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies” held at Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India.

    2. Successfully completed AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme on ”Advance Applications of Finite Element Method” organized by SVNIT Surat Gujrat.

    3. Faculty Trainer “TK Solver: Summer Training program 2010” Organized by GCEW, Gurgaon with the collaboration of UTS Inc.USA. ( (2010).


    Participated in “INUP Hand-on Training Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies” held at Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India during January 19-23, 2015.

    Workshop/ Seminar Attended:

    1. Participated in “INUP Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies” held at Centre of Excellence in Nanoelectronics (CEN), IISc Bangalore, India.

    2. Participated in Workshop on ‘Emerging Semiconductor Technologies’ Held at IIT Mandi in association with TU9, Germany.

    3. Successfully completed AICTE sponsored Short Term Training Programme on ”Advance Applications of Finite Element Method” organized by SVNIT Surat Gujrat.

    4. Successfully Coordinated in “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking” workshop Organized by ‘RobosapiensIndia’ in association with MagnumOpus 2010’ Held at GCEW, Gurgaon.

    Publications (National / International / Research Poster):

    1. Presented poster at IISc Bangalore during “INUP Hand-on Training Workshop on Nanofabrication Technologies”.

    2. Presented Poster entitled ‘Application of Innovative Computer Monitored High-Tech Sensors for Modern Terrorist-Proof Buildings’ in “National Symposium on Interdisciplinary Sciences” organized by Government Gandhi Memorial Science College Jammu (GGM)

    3. Arif Ali Wani, Prem Kumar Hawal , Saurabh Kumar Khandelwal, Vaibhav Raniwal , Nirmal Khare “Application of innovative high-tech sensors for modern Terrorist-proof buildings” Presented in “All India Seminar held under aegis of Civil Engineering Division Board of the Institution of Engineers (India) ” by Alwar local Centre of IEI on 07th – 08th February, 2015, at SunRise University Alwar (Raj) India, 301030.

    Executive Summary

    Mr. Arif Ali Wani, Assistant Professor - CSE, School of Technology. He is perusing his PhD in the area of Network Security. He is having a vast Teaching as well as Network Administrative experience. He has participated in Nano Fabrication: Hands on Training program at Centre of Excellence in Nano electronics (CEN), IISc Bangalore and IIT Bombay; Collaborative workshop: TU9 Germany & IIT Mandi.